FTR Log Notes

FTR Log Notes® is a software note-taking tool that enables users to take comprehensive, time-stamped notes against live or existing digital court recording created using FTR Reporter™.

Widely used by Court Monitors, Clerks, Electronic Court Reporters (ECR), Judges, Lawyers and Transcribers, FTR Log Notes simplifies the annotation and review process by creating a timestamp for each note entered while listening to a live or existing court recording. Since each timestamp is a hyperlink to the exact point in the associated recording where the note was taken, reviewing notes and recordings becomes a quick, one-click process – no more rewinding and fast-forwarding of tapes! Simply open the relevant log sheets and click on the links to hear exactly what was happening when each note was created.


Key Features:

  • Spell-check
  • Case Templates
  • Archiving of log sheets
  • Section 508 Compliant (USA)
  • Microsoft Windows 7® Compatible
  • Rapid search & retrieval of content
  • Customizable Word Lists and Quick Notes
  • Consolidated note-taking & playback interface
  • Linked notes to exact points within recorded proceedings

Recording In the Courtroom…

Judges and lawyers can use FTR Log Notes to take electronic notes related to the case being presented in the courtroom. Once done, they can obtain a copy of the digital court recording and instantly synchronize their personal notes with the relevant case recording. Now, they can use their own notes to easily navigate and review specific portions of testimony in the privacy of their offices or chambers.


Each note is time-stamped with a hyperlink to the exact location in the associated recording

FTR Log Notes offers several benefits across courtroom recording in general, such as greater efficiency & productivity, convenience and ease of use. It features an array of tools and capabilities that enable efficient creation and management of annotations, while delivering a superior user experience and tangible short- and long-term benefits.


FTR Log Notes